
Showing posts from August, 2019

Der Deutsches Historiches Museum

Der Deutsches Historisches Museum I hear you say? Berlin? How is that relevant to the British Civil Wars? Well, if you put it bluntly - it isn't. However it does have a really really good Thirty Years War gallery, which is very similar to the BCW. My blog, my thinking, it's staying! Located in Berlin close to 'museum island' is the German History Museum (apologies typing Der Deutsches etc out is upsetting the spellchecker). Under 18s are free, so only oldies need pay. Some interesting galleries (lots of Napoleonic, FPW and World wars stuff) in there, but I'm focussing on the 30YW exhibits. Cue shameless photo gallery and the occasional comment. Recommended!   Plague mask (apologies for the reflections) Two large display cases full of armour. I really like how the armour was displayed. A siege mortar Nice detail on a cannon A regimental treasury box When walking around central Berlin you may not initially noti

Battle of Lansdown, 5th July 1643

Yet another instalment in the adventures of William Waller's Southern Association. This time Waller attempts to defend Bath and stop the King accessing the rich resources of the south west. Sir Bevil Grenville's monument  Information board at the foot of the monument The rear of the monument - mind the nettles! Early on the 5th of July, Waller took up position to the north of Lansdown Hill where his troops began to throw up earthworks. His cavalry attacked small groups of Royalists in the area who fled to join Lord Hopton's main force at Marshfield (5 miles away from Lansdowne). Hopton immediately mustered his army and marched on Waller's position.  Lots of skirmishing ensued, before Hopton's cavalry were routed. Hopton's infantry stood firm and defeated the Parliamentarian cavalry and dragoons; they then stormed Waller's position on Lansdown.  Hopton's cavalry rallied and returned to the fray, where they once again c