Houses of Interest: Kent

Another, 'about as far as you can get from the KeepYourPowderDry estates without getting your feet wet' ECWtravelogue post. Seventeenth century Kent, despite its proximity to London, was a bit of a rural backwater. Roads were bad, and often impassable; the local gentry, in comparison to the rest of the country, were relatively impoverished. Whilst England's system of local 'government' was based upon hundreds, Kent was different being organised by "lathes". A system unique to Kent believed to date to the Kingdom of the Kentish (which existed until the 9th Century). See here for a brief description of the county's trained bands. Kent was a deeply divided county in the Civil War; although nominally under Parliamentary control, there were Royalist risings in Tonbridge and Sevenoaks in 1643, Canterbury in 1647 and a major uprising in 1648, culminating in the Battle of Maidstone. July 1643 a force of about 4,000 Royalists, from Tonbridge, Sevenoaks and...