The #ECWtravelogue took the opportunity to have a sneaky look at places of interest in Cambridge under the pretence of taking offspring #3 to look around the University. August update: proud dad moment - he got in! Charles I Dominion of The Seas medal, Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge was very firmly in the area loyal to Parliament, it was in fact the heartland, and headquarters of the Eastern Association. In 1643, Oliver Cromwell was made governor of the town. The town's existing castle was fortified and earthworks were thrown up around the town. The King's men came within a few miles but never threatened Cambridge. Other than being a garrison, and the inevitable rambunctious behaviour of the soldiers, the Wars passed the town peacefully by. On 3 January, 1644 the iconoclast William Dowsing and his troops destroy fourteen ‘superstitious pictures’ in the Round Church . However, the carved wooden angels on the ceiling survive the ordeal intact. What's There Now? The medieval