A Miscellany of Miniatures

I was having a bit of a sort out/procrastinating about doing a gajillion headswaps of  clubmen*, when I discovered some really useful figures in my 'spares box'. In the interests of 'balance' it must also be pointed out that there were some pretty useless figures in the spares box too (vampire with modern pistol, lots of deaded/wounded Scots highlanders etc).

Well, it would be a criminal waste not to use the useful figures wouldn't it?

The Scots Covenanters, now have a baggage train (of sorts).

A witches' coven, complete with bubbling cauldron. The impressive bit being the fact I hadn't lost all three (separate) legs for the cauldron. Please note my witches look like witches, so have green skin and black clothes.

Plus also in the pipeline are some more artillery pieces for the Parliamentarian and Royalist armies. Yet more baggage for those two armies too (well I did have rather a lot of spare horseholders), and another unit of commanded shot each. Not forgetting another unit of clubmen.

Of course utilising the 'useful figures' did involve buying more figures, so the logic I employed might be fundamentally flawed.

A second sort out has got me thinking (again), there's rather a lot of casualty figures. Now if I just re-jig the bookcase, I could... 

*still procrastinating, in case you were wondering.

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