Royalist Cavalry

Again, another eye candy post. The rationale behind my cavalry regiment composition can be found here.

Figures painted by Alan Tuckey, basing by me.

First four regiments of horse:

Prince Rupert's Regiment

If Rupert was there it is fair to assume his regiment of horse were there too. Powick Bridge, Edgehill, Bristol, First Newbury, Newark, Stockport*, Bolton Liverpool, Marston Moor, Naseby, besieged at Bristol and Oxford, to name but a few highlights. 

Sir Gervase Lucas's Regiment

Part of the garrison of Belvoir Castle, venturing out for the odd skirmish and the Battle of Newark.
Earl of Caernarvon's Regiment

Part of the King’s Oxford Army, they served at Edgehill, Roundway Down, Lansdown, First Newbury (where the Earl was killed), Cheriton, Cropredy and Second Newbury. After Caernarvon’s death they became Colonel Richard Neville’s Regiment of Horse
Sir Charles Gerard's Regiment

Served in the Oxford Army taking part in a number of minor battles and skirmishes, notable highlight being Rowton Heath.
* describing the Siege/Battle of Stockport as a highlight is somewhat over egging the pudding. But seeing as Stockport is only about ten miles away from  Château KeepYourPowderDry it stays in the list.

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