
One of the reasons I started this blog was as a repository for all the scraps of paper that constituted my notes/research for this project. This post is, therefore, a blatant example of a note from me, to me. It is an attempt to save myself having to go and measure bases every time I want to order some more.

Basing is a bugbear of many gamers: rulesets are often very specific as to the number of figures to bases ratios, and base sizes. I can see the point for competition gaming, or gaming against a number of regular opponents. As I don't do any of that sort of nonsense, and provide both sides, as long as I am consistent there isn't really a problem.

All my bases are Warbases premier 2mm thick bases. Sabot/movement trays (2mm top layer) and casualty markers are also from Warbases.

Bases are finished using a variety of muddy brown paint/grit mixes, then adorned with Gale Force Nine green static grass. Prettification is courtesy of a variety of tufts from MiniNatur (short tufts codes 717-21 spring, 717-22 summer, 717-24 late fall; short tufts with blossoms 726-21 spring and 726-23 early fall). I occasionally throw in a few cork chipping 'boulders' for good measure. Recently discovered Gale Force 9 spring undergrowth which I am now a big fan of, slowly adding it to my already ''finished" bases. I do occasionally throw in something a little more exciting from the spares box - I have some separate drums, some surplus flags, and have even put a hat (recovered from a headswap) on a base.

I am particularly taken with using Citadel Stirland Battle Mud (not Stirland Battlemire, which is really thick and paste like) textured basing paint (in other words mud brown paint with a drop of PVA and some grit in it). I did dally with trying to make my own but colour consistency was very unreliable between batches, so I've gone back to Stirland Battle Mud with a wash of Miniatures Paints chestnut ink.

I want my armies to look like those represented by Streeter. Particularly my regiments of foot, which has led to thirty four man regiments (16 musket, 12 pike, 2 halberdiers, 2 officers, a drummer and a standard bearer). These are based in 4s on 40mm x 15mm bases (halberdiers have a base each), 12 bases fit a 120mm x 60mm sabot/movement tray (two are blanks to fill in spaces).

Firelocks: are based four figures to a 40mm x 15mm base, 6 bases fit a 120mm x 30mm sabot/movement tray, giving 24 men to a unit. These are my only units not to have a standard, they do however have an officer and a drummer.

Dragoons are represented on foot. There are 12 fighting men based individually on penny sized bases, these fit two 3 x 2 penny sabot/movement trays. Rather than having a token representative horse holder I decided to have 1:1 horses to men; one horse holder has three horses on a 40mm x 40mm base (of which there are six bases per unit); and a command stand of mounted officer, mounted standard bearer, drummer on foot and his empty horse again (newer dragoon units now have a mounted drummer) based on 40mm x 40mm. This gives a 21 man unit.

Cavalry is based on 60mm x 30mm bases, four horsemen to a base and 16 men to a unit; one stand having a trooper, officer, trumpeter and standard.

I currently field three different sizes of artillery pieces: light guns are based on 40mm x 40mm, medium on 40mm x 50mm, and heavy guns on 40mm x 60mm bases. Light guns have two horse limbers on 30mm x 70mm, medium and heavy guns have four horse limbers based upon 30mm x 80mm bases. Scots frame guns are on 40mm x 30mm, with their pack horses on 30mm x 40mm.

Siege parties: grenadiers, and harquebusiers on foot are based on penny sized bases; petard teams on 30mm diameter bases. 

Siege engineers: based on penny sized bases, with a 5 × 2 movement tray.

Command stands: individual generals are based on 30mm diameter bases, commanders in chief are based with a personal standard bearer on 50mm diameter bases. Second in commands are identified by having a dog. Each side also has a preacher based on penny sized base.

Baggage train: my convention here is two wheeled carts on 30mm x 60mm, pack horse trains on 30mm x 70mm, and four wheeled carts on 30mm x 80mm. I've added some suitable marching figures alongside my carts, superfluous I know but makes them look nice.

Every unit has a custom casualty marker depending upon their allegiance, complete with dead person.

Civilians: are based upon round bases: individuals on penny sized, small groups on 30mm diameter, and vignettes on 50mm diameter bases.

Clubmen: are based four figures to a 40mm x 15mm base, 6 bases fit a 120mm x 30mm sabot/movement tray, giving 24 men to a unit. Command is separate from units (to help give them an unorganised look) a drummer, standard bearer, a random citizen and a preacher share a 40mm diameter base.

On the underside of the bases there is an identification code system: this is purely so I know which base goes with which unit.

The top right corner has a faction colour code: Parliament is orange, Royalists are red, Solemn League and Covenant are blue, clubmen are white, and Montrose's Army green. 

The unit name is written on movement trays or command stands, and a unique unit code is added: e.g. RF4 Royalist Foot regiment 4, PA Parliamentarian  Artillery, SLCF2 Solemn League and Covenant Foot regiment 2.

This example is Parliamentarian foot regiment #3, which is Colonel Charles Fairfax's regiment.

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  1. I can see the sense of your 40mm frontage basing for infantry, as this also allows use with other sets. But why switch to 60mm frontage for cavalry?

    1. No deep thinking going on here I'm afraid. Two factors at play: that's just the physical space that the figures take up, coupled with pack sizes of figures dictating numbers of figures in a 'unit'.


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