Colonel Hugh Fraser’s Regiment of Dragoons

Colonel Hugh Fraser’s Regiment of Dragoons were raised in 1643 and are most famous for their pivotal role at Marston Moor; the regiment also fought at  Corbridge, Penshaw, York, Doncaster, Newcastle, Carlisle, Hereford, and Newark.

The Regiment was disbanded at Kelso, apart from Colonel Fraser's troop that continued as part of the Scots New Model Army.


Every single figure having a headswap.

Let the headswaps begin

The Regiment are re-enacted as part of the Sealed Knot's Scots Brigade, I shamelessly copied their guidon. A crime which Stuart at Maverick Models was an accessory to.

The fighting men of the regiment

As much as I like the look of my dragoons, I have to say I am very pleased that I will probably never* have to paint another unit of them. It's like painting a small regiment of foot and a large regiment of horse at the same time.

Lots of horses and horseholders

*To utilise the title of a second rate Bond film as a vehicle for expanding Sean Connery's bank balance "Never Say Never"

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  1. A great looking unit. I especially like the empty horses!

    Have you read ‘How the Scots Won the English Civil War’? Perhaps a slight hyperbole on the title, but an excellent history of Fraser’s Dragoons.

    1. Thanks. I haven't read "How the Scots..." as the postie hasn't delivered it yet.

  2. . It's like painting a small regiment of foot and a large regiment of horse at the same time. Amen brother... and i didn't paint as many horseholder bases as you did! They look cracking...

    1. Thanks for your kind words. With my 'one man one horse' approach it is interesting to see how much physical space they take up.


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