Fourth Bloggiversary

Socially distanced, after work cheese and wine, definitely not a party (note everyone wearing masks). Saturday boy showing himself up again 🙄

I am somewhat surprised to still be writing this nonsense after four whole years - who'd have thunk I'd have this much to blather on about?

And who would have thought that the number of regular readers has reached the dizzying heights of 'possibly seven' - a number that other bloggers can only dream of. So I am told.

Well somebody must be reading this as the page number thing keeps ticking over. Unless it is my mum, constantly clicking away, or some hackers in some far off distant land hoping to bring down great instruments of state (sorry you've got the wrong website, you want sites that end

I'd like to thank everyone who has supported the blog via Buy Me a Coffee, it really is very greatly appreciated. Your contributions pay for the domain, and help towards parking fees, house entrance fees and some fuel; it doesn't get frittered away on bottles of sherry you know. Special shout out to Haydn of Clubmen 1645 fame, (please do check out his website and buy his book, assuming he hasn't already sold them all) who has probably become a honorary company director or something, if such a post existed.

Thanks also to all the other bloggers who have put links to this place on their much more interesting blogs.

These include, in no particular order, and apologies for any I've missed:

One of My Men Became Restless (

The Via Regia: How to Start Playing Pike and Shot Wargames

A figure painting therapy project. (

Steve's Random Musings on Wargaming and other stuff... (

Codsticker's Historicals (

Wars of Louis Quatorze (

Prometheus in Aspic

Renaissance Wargaming | Using De Bellis Renationis with the odd diversion… (

Horse and Musket Gaming

The Warbard | Wargaming & Such (formerly Brian's Wargaming Pages)

Of course, thanks as always to S who continues to tolerate "whilst we are here can we just visit...": patience of a saint, probably.

Very sad to see that 'podiatrist Tyldesely' has not featured in this year's search terms list at all. Good people of Wigan have you stopped caring about your feet? In other happier news, it is still good to see that Bromesberrow Church's 'official' website is still my post about the church and the Yate cornets.

Popular posts this year continue to be my coat colours posts, and my revamped 'which figures?' post. My revamped ECWtravelogue posts have had a bit of a resurgence no doubt thanks to the addition of maps - my York and Marston Moor map has been used just shy of a thousand times. Not quite as exciting as walking to Sulby Hedges last year and seeing a fellow battlefield walker with a print out of my Naseby battlefield post though. Strangely, my post about Sir Horatio Carey's Regiment of Horse took off, no doubt because it appears to have been appropriated by QI's Twitter account as one of its facts of the day.

Future instalments will include yet more Scots, lots more ECWtravelogue entries, plus I might be slightly distracted by putting yet more of this nonsense onto real paper in a real book.

In the unlikely event you enjoyed reading this, or any of the other posts,
please consider supporting the blog. 


  1. Do you know what is up with the Prometheus in Aspic blog? Do you have contact details for the author?

    1. Works fine for me. Try deleting cookies, then trying. Latest post was 6 days ago


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