Earl of Stamford’s Regiment of Horse

The Earl of Stamford's Regiment of Horse was a short lived regiment that existed in 1643 and served in Gloucester.

They may have had a skirmish at Burford, but definitely fought at the siege of Siege of Sudeley Castle and the battle of Highnam.

Their cornet is interesting; an old Military Modelling article from the 70s, on ECW flags, gave the cornet as blue with white horizontal stripes (from the Earl's coat of arms); however, the rather succinctly titled 'BL MS Additional [Sloanee] 5247' gives the field colour as solid blue. As BL MS Additional [Sloanee] 5247 was a contemporaneous pattern book of cavalry cornets I have plumped for the solid blue field.

Just a couple of headswaps in this unit, and one of the mounted casualties.

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  1. Very nice, I'm holding off painting my Peter Pig figures until I've finished the ACW project ! But plenty of inspiration on your blog thanks.

    1. Thanks for your kind words, hope the blog helps lift those figures out of the lead pile

  2. Very nice work, all the best for your 2020 projects

    French Wargame Holidays

  3. ...another lovely unit! Got a parcel from Peter Pig yesterday so hopefully progress my end soon.. :o)

    1. Thanks Steve. Good luck with the Piggies, just keep telling yourself that the sculpts are very forgiving, and Nuln Oil hides the rest. I do. Frequently.


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