Which Figures? Part 2a: Size Matters: Foot

Finally, here is the first of the long promised size comparison shots. This post looking at foot figures. 

For the full picture see:-

Which Figures? - the original post, where I ruminate about what I want from figures, and what led me to choose Peter Pig.

Which Figures? What is Available - the state of play with current 'ECW' 15mm figure ranges; a continually updating look at what figures are available, and what is included/missing from ranges. No commentary on figure size or ruler action (that's down to parts 2a and 3a).  

Which Figures? Part 2a: Size Matters: Foot - I show side by side comparisons of what is available in 15/18mm, with the obligatory ruler shots. This post.

Which Figures? Part 2b: True 15mm/Epic Compatibility: Foot - a more in depth look at smaller 15mm compatibility

Which Figures? Part 3a: Size Matters: Horses - I show side by side comparisons of what is available in 15/18mm (obligatory ruler content too) 

Which Figures? Part 3b: True 15mm/Epic Compatibility: Horses - a more in depth look at smaller 15mm compatibility

But first a few notes...

The background is the newly patented KeepYourPowderDry scale-o-matic (apologies, I've been rewatching Wallace & Gromit). Horizontal lines are spaced at 5mm, the yellow shaded area is 15mm.

To help me take the pictures I laid the figures flat on the scale; this allowed me to level up bases. This explains why some figures have their back to the camera. Some have utilised blutack to make them 'stand' straight

Warlord's Epic range would take up the whole scale if I utilised one of the strips, so first off here's a single figure in comparison to a strip.

As mentioned in the What Is Available? post the Chariot figure whilst a placeholder, is consistent in size with the suitable ECW figures from their range. Here he is alongside a brace of Scots horseholders.

And finally thank you to Dex McHenry, Neville Brownlee and Dennis Bamber who kindly donated some figures for this comparison. I tip my hat gentlemen.

So here it is...

left to right

under www
Naismith: Chariot: Steel Fist: Peter Pig
under Keep
Warlord Epic: Alternative Armies: Minifigs: Essex
under Your 
Freikorps 15: Lurkio: Museum
under Powder
Totentanz: Khurasan: Gladiator: Lancer: Matchlock
under Dry
 Old Glory 15: Eureka
under co.uk
Lancashire: Donnington: Blue Moon

As, and when new ranges (and some older ranges) become available I will be updating the comparison picture.

If you enjoyed reading this, or any of the other posts, please consider supporting the blog. 


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