Heeresgeschichtliches Museum, Wien

aka the Vienna Military Museum.

Visited Vienna in August 2016, which if you have never been I can heartily recommend the city. But take ear plugs, after a couple of days you really do get sick of hearing Strauss's 'Blue Danube'.

If visiting might I suggest looking at buying a Vienna Pass which allows entry into most of the major attractions and gives unlimited trips on the City Sight Seeing tour buses.

The military museum is one of the stops on one of the Sightseeing routes. Housed in a very impressive arsenal on the edge of the city, this really is one of the best military museums I have visited (certainly on a par with Les Invalides in my opinion). Impressive collections of WW1 Eastern Front, WW2, Napoleonic, Soviet armour and an excellent Thirty Years War Gallery. Here's one of my pictures of a cuirassier suit of armour to wet your appetite.

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